“Medicare Advantage” is
NOT Medicare!

And it is NOT a Medigap supplement. It is for-profit insurance controlling your healthcare.

We are long-time healthcare providers who have seen horrific experiences of patients denied care by “Medicare Advantage” plans and are warning the public.

Win the Insurance Race, Remember the Three M’s!

✅  Medicare The original Medicare policy at medicare.gov.

✅  Medigap A supplement which covers deductibles & co-pays. Available from a trusted independent agent. If you have Medicaid, you do not need Medigap. Medicaid is your supplement.

✅  Medications Part D plan to pay for Medications. Also available through a trusted independent agent.

Avoid the Medicare Advantage Trap!

If you purchase Medicare Advantage, then become ill and are uninsurable, watch out. You may be unable to obtain a Medigap or supplemental policy should you need to access your traditional Medicare coverage.

Potential Shortcomings of Medicare Replacement Plans

❌  Restrictive Networks

❌  Co-payments to providers, including daily charges for hospital stays

❌  Significant out-of-pocket expenses

❌  Pre-certification for procedures or admission

❌  Insurance company decides which tests/procedures are approved

❌  Caps on additional benefits offered such as dental, vision, etc.

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Don’t Give Up Your Traditional Medicare.

Keep your hard-earned American healthcare coverage. Since 1965.

Don’t Give Up Your Traditional Medicare.

Keep your hard-earned American healthcare coverage. Since 1965.

Congress took notice. What are they doing?

What are doctors saying? One internist advises, “don’t let Medicare Advantage disadvantage your healthcare.” While another doctor asks, “how did this become legal?”